My name is Eugene Johnson Jr. and I want to thank you for visiting my website. I hope that my website will be a great resource to you.  If you have any questions or suggestions, please share them with me.
Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION call 281-723-5632 or email

As an in-home personal trainer, my objective is to show people that they can still get a great workout without going to a gym.  Also I want to help you save money, educate you on the importance of fitness and nutrition, and show you that exercising is functional and fun.  

I have been training over 15  years.  I also have been a physical therapist technician for 11 years.  Working side by side with physical therapist, I've learned the proper way to instruct stretches and exercises.  I am very familiar with rehab exercises working with the bad backs, knees, shoulders, core and legs.

I also offer bootcamp classes in locations near you.  Bootcamp classes are great for people who want to meet new people, workout together, enjoy a positive atmosphere, and most important, have fun.  With the right mindset and positive atmosphere, everyone has a greater chance to accomplish their goals.